by JB | Oct 22, 2013 | Abstract, Creative, Flypaper textures, Totally Rad
While in New Hampshire, my tour partner Dan was drawn to this particular scene. At first, I thought it would make a strong b&w but then I thought it might be even better with texture. To make this happen, I used the INVERSE command to make the base image a...
by JB | Aug 20, 2013 | Totally Rad
My friend Stephanie posted a picture of this lighthouse that knocked my socks off. She shot it at twilight with a great sky, it is amazing. I asked her where it was and she was kind enough to share. Of course the day I went, it was overcast. No problem, I...
by JB | Apr 9, 2013 | Charleston, Texture
I was drawn to this scene each day at gardens. Only one problem, the sky behind the tree was always white due to the bright overcast skies. Don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled with the bright overcast for most every other image I made there. Great light for...