Today we finished up with a morning shoot and will be off to deliver folks to the airport later today. Once again, we were blessed with a tremendous group and great photography.
Today’s blog image is a reflection from the other night’s magical sunset shoot. I was struck by the beauty of the sky that night and found myself mesmerized by the reflections. I saw Janice next to me pointing her camera down into the water and took inspiration from her to do the same. Thanks Janice, as someone who has been given the nickname of “SkyMan”, this image seemed perfect.
Looking forward to heading home tomorrow to see the family.
Cool shot have a safe trip home!
Hey, John. Ireland truly is a magical place. I believe in leprechauns now. I think Peter might be one. Glad you found the dark hedges. I want to buy your B&W.
Had you not provided the story, and absent anything in the water, one would think you were already flying home and on top of the clouds. You never know what is before you… sometimes you have to look up, down and around… sometimes you have to look around, share and discover what other’s see. Awesome perspective and capture JB and Janice! Have a safe trip home!