
As we were in Devils Garden, I was sitting, relaxing and enjoying some shade.  While chatting with one of the participants, I noticed this scene.  I was struck by the unique nature story that was in the mostly flat wall about 8 feet above ground.  How did this happen?  What caused this unique story?   It just seemed odd to have these stones left behind but none the less I found it very photogenic.

From a compositional perspective, I immediately thought of Freeman Patterson, who taught me that photography is organizing shapes into a pleasing composition.  An Evergreen tree is not a tree, it is a triangle, a face an oval, etc.  For me, this image was all about triangles sitting on a strong base of a rectangle.  See below for a diagram of just a few.  I believe you’ll see more once you see these.  Thinking about your images as shapes will help you create stronger more pleasing compositions.

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