
One of the highlights of the tour to Escalante, was the hike to Lower Calf Creek Falls. It was a lovely three mile, relatively easy hike, which we started at 8:00AM.  We started at 8AM with the intent of getting to the falls before the sun hits them.   Well, that did not work out well.  We really should have left at 5AM as the falls were in full sun when we arrived.  So what do you do?  Turn around and go home?  Sulk?  Get annoyed?  Throw a tantrum?   I suppose you could, however, our group chose a different approach.  In the spirit of Dewitt Jones, we CELEBRATED what was right!  We got out a polarizer and quickly realized the wet walls polarized really well.  And we found that the colors on the wall really POPPED because of the sun!  Happiness ensued and worthy images were created.  Well, happiness until the 3 mile hike back in much HOTTER sun……

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