My friend Stephanie posted a picture of this lighthouse that knocked my socks off. She shot it at twilight with a great sky, it is amazing. I asked her where it was and she was kind enough to share. Of course the day I went, it was overcast. No problem, I have tools in Photoshop I can use. I went to my trusty Totally Rad – Dirty Pictures plug-in that works so well for texture work. I used a favorite texture that I’ve used for another lighthouse shot and created this! I pass by this location often so you can be sure I’ll keep a camera in the car hoping for better conditions.
If you are interested in texture work, Dirty Pictures is a great tool that makes it easy. I have a video (or two) on my tutorials page that will help you understand how it works. Remember to check out my discounts page before you buy, there is a discount code there!
Very nice image, John. I recognize the texture and the overall look from your excellent texturing video, which I have watched several times. Definitely worth going back when there is more drama in the sky. I am still using Dirty Pictures for texturing, as you advised a couple of years ago.
I’m guesssing you shot this from Kingsland Point Park, with the Tappan Zee Bridge in the background…
I think you’re right Shaun it was Kingsland Point Park. Easy to get to on the east side of the Tappan Zee Bridge.
John, I really like it just as it is. Yes, you can return and get a dramatic sky (which you always do great, by the way) and beautiful lighting etc., etc. But, in my opinion, this one has the mood and character that is a lighthouse. Lighthouses on a sunny day, (again, to me) are mostly calendar or postcard shots that lack the foul weather mood associated. This one works with the added texture. Very nice!!!!!
Thanks Dennis.
I LOVE this John! Fantastic image!
Thank you Joan. 🙂
A real beauty and the texture work really sets the lighthouse off.