

I’m excited to be leaving today to co-lead another group to Cuba with Tony Sweet.   One of the best parts of Cuba is its warm friendly people, like this lovely woman who was gracious to pose for a quick snap last year.  

I am excited about traveling light with just Fuji Cameras and lenses this year.  And, I’ll be carrying it all in an ONA BAG  that my wife got me as a Christmas gift.  I’ve been lusting after an Ona Bag for sometime, they are works of art! The bag filled with a camera  body, 5 lenses, extra batteries, filters and such, weighed in at a whopping 11 lbs!!  And the bag itself weighs 3.7 lbs.  

While I am attracted to the many great cars and architecture, this year I will to be focusing on the people in hopes that I can hone my street photograph/people skills.





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