

Fuji X-E2 – 14mm prime ISO 3200 handheld f/11

I just arrived back home today from another successful trip to Cuba.  Tony Sweet and I brought group to visit Havana and Trinidad to meet the people and make photographs.   I’ll have much to blog about over the coming weeks, but for now, I wanted to share a favorite from Trinidad.  

On this evening, we were able to watch and outdoor wedding in the late day light. The golden glow was magical to say the least.  This was the car that either brought them or was waiting to take them away. When I opened the image in ACR, I didn’t make one adjustment. In Photoshop, I used Perfectly Clear for a very minor adjustment and then Nik Viveza to darken the sky just a touch.  With it being handheld at ISO 3200 I did use Nik Define to remove the little bit of noise.  Very little processing on this. Its good to be home!

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