

Fuji X-E2 – 18-55mm at 31, f/8 ISO 800 1/340

This image was made on our last day in Trinidad.  Matt and I went out together, just the two of us.  It really is a good idea to go out in small groups as it allows for scenes like these to unfold.  Large groups feel like the paparazzi has arrived and the mood changes.  Matt and I were on this street for quite a long time as it was rich with opportunities. Like the shoe shine scene, the woman acknowledged me as soon as she saw me, however, she was busy doing her morning chores.  The Cuba people take great pride in what they have and are constantly cleaning.  I was in love with all that was going on in this scene, so I kept pressing the shutter as she cleaned the wall, the window, the bars around the window, etc, etc…. and then….. the neighbor stuck his head out for just a few seconds, THANK YOU!

So the final question was, would it work better as a monochrome image or do I leave it in color?  I still can’t decide.  B&W included below.


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