During our scouting time, we decided to see how close we could get to the Panamint Dunes. Unfortunately, not very close. It appears to be about a 2 mile walk after a rough 6 mile drive. We did not make the walk this time, but did get out a long lens to capture just a few long distance images. As luck would have it, a few clouds rolled in just for me and a blast of light lit up the dunes.
In Cole’s presentation, he spoke a lot about vision, a topic near and dear to his heart. He spoke about creating images that he saw in his minds eye and not what the camera captures. I think my image would be a good example. When I made this capture, I knew exactly what I would do in post to create the look I had in mind.
Cole and I agree on this topic. I have no interest in making images that look like what I saw, I am more interested in creating images that convey what I felt or saw in my imagination. I don’t want to be restrained by what others think I should do but rather create what will make my heart sing.
Love em. Wanna see more!
Thanks E.
I couldn’t agree more. Most of the criticism of post processing comes from those that have not spent the time to learn how to make the image come alive. Oh, and I like the photo too.
Thanks Scott.
Beautiful John and your vision makes my heart sing! Wow!
That made me smile Cynthia.
Couldn’t agree more John. I want my images to reveal what I saw in my eye. Love the image!!
Thanks Al.
Stumbled onto your work today…..am blown away. Have only been at this a few years and have been puzzled by the “anti” post processing that I’ve encountered by “real (?) photographers. †hx so much for sharing your images and your eloquent perspectives. Great work
You are very kind Jeff. Thanks for your kind words. As to anti-post processing…. seems all images need post processing no? 🙂 Seriously, I believe in using all the tools available to create YOUR VISION! Ignore the naysayers and follow your heart Jeff. That will get you where you want to go. And have fun!