Fuji X-E2 – 18-55 lens at 18mm
The mesquite wave sounds like something fans would do at a football game. In this case, I was doing the Mesquite wave in Death Valley! I just fell (literally on my knees to get low) in love with this shape and am thrilled with the result. I cropped a bit off the top as there was just too much negative space.
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Amazing shot John, and I just love the processing too. It’s all just beautiful. Wow!
Wow, you’re up before breakfast Cynthia. Thanks! 🙂
I was up before breakfast. I was volunteering up at the park today and had to get out early, but I had to check out your shot before I left! But the rest of the week I am a lazy bum and sleep in. 🙂
I think you are the only one in the group that did a belly flop to capture an image. At times I feel like the tripod locks us in to a visual perspective . Love the image and the visual flow.
Dang, I wish that was my title… Visual Flow… love that Jim. Yeah, doing a belly flop in the sand it not normally a good idea…. 🙂
Mesquite Mojo! … Laying down on the job… Awesome angle… From brilliant enhanced detail of the sand waves to sand flow, you’ve captured the fingerprint of the Mesquite magical sand. Mesquitemazing JB!
Fabulous image John – you are really on a roll! Or a wave?