Beautifully done, John ! For whatever reason, I delight in captures that mix up warm tones vs cool ones. There is simply something in that dynamic that, IMHO, brings the image to life. This beautiful capture illustrates the point I’m trying to make where words fail. In short: a classic shot.
What a surprise! You “found” a beautiful sky….again.
I know, right… 🙂
Lighting, camera, action and JB clouds… the recipe and ingredients for a dramatic image! Great crop and perspective JB!
Thanks Stephan.
Beautifully done, John ! For whatever reason, I delight in captures that mix up warm tones vs cool ones. There is simply something in that dynamic that, IMHO, brings the image to life. This beautiful capture illustrates the point I’m trying to make where words fail. In short: a classic shot.
I need to get your cloud app so I can order a sky to fit the composition while I’m there. Beautiful image of Cuba.
Wow, what gorgeous light! Well done.