It is an honor to associate with the photographers who come on a tour or workshop. I am inspired by their vision and talent. As such, I asked the participants who traveled with Tony Sweet and me on our recent trip to Cuba to share a favorite image from the trip. I wanted you to see Cuba through their eyes and introduce you to their excellent work. If you see a highlighted link, please click on it to see more of their work.
Carla Geyer – Cheryl and I stumbled into this potter’s workshop and we were entranced. The artist sitting at his wheel smiled at us and continued his work. We were in no hurry, so we took our time and looked around. Then a large and somewhat rude German tourist group bustled in; Cheryl and I sat down and decided to wait them out! Our patience did not go unrewarded. The artist took his time to talk with us: to tell us about the 6 generations of artists before him, to introduce us to his son and grandson, to show us his kiln and tools. Such generosity of spirit.
Gayle Biggs – “Giggles” – She did not speak English and I did not speak Spanish. We communicated with giggles!
Greg Hockel – Hope springs eternal…..
Pam Davis – I love this image because it was the first day back in Havana with the lighthouse in the background and the light on this man he never seemed to notice me as I snapped multiple images of him cutting up his bait. I feel like I could have watched for hours, my only regret is that I did not try to interact. I was afraid of changing the mood even when I was done creating images.
Linda Harding – (Linda’s website will be live shortly, check back later this month) I loved the intimacy of Cuba. The people….their connection with one another. I loved their gifts for art, music, and the stamina to get up and keep going everyday, even when that going is tough. So, I share the image of early morning in the streets of Cuba. I was in awe of the magic of this country.
Mark Stevens – Three Hands (Mark has a number of excellent blog post from this trip)
Wow. What a great collection of images.
Excellent idea John…I really enjoyed seeing the visions of your trip participants. Obviously some very talented people.
What a beautiful array of images and wonderful stories to go along with them. Very, very inspiring!
Agreed Howard.
Really great stuff, John! Especially enjoyed the last one.
Thanks for reading along Jack. Do you know Mark? He is a Mainer…
Beautiful spectrum of their culture.
Linda, you captured in words what Cuba & the wonderful people are about. The problem is I can’t express the feelings I get to others what it is really like to visit Cuba !!
Love your image my kind of Photography !!
Ed, can’t wait for Linda to get her website finished. You’ll love her work.
Ed, thank you so much! Not sure if that is my FAV image, but, I love them all. It was an amazing trip with some fabulous folks. Cuba was a gift to get to know. Changed me in ways that is special to my life. And, lets talk about Tony and Jon being leaders! Wow! It is certainly a trip if offered not to be missed! Thank You very much!
You were a joy to have along Linda. A very talented lady!
So interesting to see these different images and interpretations from the group!
Will you be organizing and trips to Cuba in 2016? I would love to do a photo tour to Cuba next year.
Denise Molzahn
P.S. Plug In workshops at the Horizon Summit were great – thank you!
I’ll respond in a private email. Glad you enjoyed the Summit!