This is the scene that greeted us as we arrived for a morning shoot in Death Valley. This was one of the first images I made after running down the hill to where the water rivulets were. This was made well before the sun rose over the ridge behind us. It was nearly dark as we stumbled down the hill. I’ve chosen to keep the foreground dark as this is what I remember seeing. The intense color is what caught my eye and what I wanted to portray here.
Beautiful piece of work, John ! Love those warm tones mingling with the cool shadow colors !
I too like the mixture of cool and warm. Thanks Bruce.
Beautiful photo; great reflections of the sky. Only problem is that now I can’t get Smoke On The Water to stop playing in my head since reading your title! A most appropriate title though.
Sorry about that Howard! 🙂 Smoke on the water….
Awesome image and moment! I’ve seen images from the flood water Death Valley received in 2005 and personally experienced the rain in 2006 requiring winch and 4×4…
It is awesome to see Death Valley is very much alive, receiving water and seeing the various perspectives from posts!
You captured a magical golden moment indeed!
Thanks Stephan, I’ll bet that was an amazing thing to witness!
Just saw this post today after getting back from the Outback tour. I’d have been stumbling down the hill in the dark too. Totally awesome.
Just saw this post today after getting back from the Outback tour. I’d have been stumbling down the hill in the dark too. Totally awesome.