Today I continue my series of posts that feature recent tour participant images. These images are from our April trip to New Zealand. Remember to click on the links to view more of their fine photography.
Louise Shoemaker – Having difficulty finding appropriate subjects at the site of the Moeraki Boulders, I was disappointed by selfie-taking tourists and footprints in every stretch of sand and cold winds and flat light. So I had begun the trudge back to the bus, when a member of the group pointed to the area of the beach I had just scouted and said “Look at THAT!” So I turned around and looked and walked back and looked again. This is the next photo I took. It reminds me to look, then look again, and give my eyes the time to see
Ken Arnett – Our evening at Curio Bay was overcast and moody, with fabulous waves extending over the dark coastline. It seemed perfect for long exposure blending!
Dan Sniffin – I was drawn to this image due to its simplicity of design — and visualized smooth water with contrasting textures of the rock.. Although both color and B&W versions worked well I felt that the B&W version best suited the subject.
Terry Schroeder – “New Zealand was a really rich visiual experience from start to finish, and I came back from the trip with some landscapes that I consider keepers. But landscapes are high on the list of things I’m still learning. Although this particular image might have been taken almost anywhere, it offered the opportunity to compose and shoot in my “comfort zone”. For me, it will always be a strong reminder of the companions on the trip, the places we went, and a host of other New Zealnd images that please me almost as much as this one.”
Victoria Porter – This type of irrigation equipment is everywhere in Wyoming and Montana where I grew up and I’ve tried to find a scenic shot that included it for years. I find it somewhat fascinating to see, especially when it is in action as it sometimes creates miniature rainbows in the spray. When our group went to photograph elephant rocks, I spotted this scene on the roadside a short distance from where our bus was parked. So after photographing several views of the elephant rocks, I wandered back down the road to capture this scene. I like how all the elements came together to create a pleasing composition: colorful fields, cows, irrigation equipment, and the cloudy sky.
Photography site:
I’m guessing, but assuming (can’t see the cracks quite well enough to confirm) that the rock in Louise’s image is the same as in Dan’s. It’s always fascinating to see examples that two people, in same place, & at same time, come away with such completely different versions.
I agree Marty. Always interesting.
Wow, some great images here. Dan’s is a standout (darn that old guy anyway!)
Yeah, that old fart is darn good!
Wow…..some amazing images from some amazing people!
Really enjoy these posts by different members of the group. What a wonderful place for slow motion water.
just read the other posts….so agree re: Dan’s…didn’t want to swell his head too much but I guess he can stand it. A real keeper.
Quite a talented group JB…I enjoyed them all. Good idea posting participant images.
Wonderful series of images. I think that the tour participant image feature is such a wonderful idea. Truly am enjoying these. Amazing to see the talent that is in these groups. Well done.