Every once in awhile you run into a scene that simply takes your breath away. Such was the case at Canary Spring in Mammoth Hot Springs. What a unique nature story, full of color, mood, and well, yumminess. As much as I love this photograph, what will stay with me is the feeling and the experience I had while making it.
Photography has blessed me in many ways. I have had the opportunity to travel to locations I could never have imagined. I have made life long friends. I have had the privilege of working with extraordinary photographers like my tour partner Dan Sniffin, Betty Wiley and the team at the Hui in Hawaii, Jonathan Kingston, Dewitt Jones, and Rikki Cooke. I am grateful for my blessings, and what to say thank you to all who have been there along the way.
It is always a great learning experience in your presence. You are an great, good looking, excellent instructor & teacher. You teach in a way that people get it, and you make it fun.
Thanks for a great weekend at PEEC.
ps…you can send the check for my review to my home! 🙂 only kidding!!!!!
Its funny, WordPress asked me to approve this comment. I had to think, do I want to approve such an embarrassing comment? Thank you Roni. I’m blushing. I did laugh at the check part! 🙂
Great shot John. I may regret not going to Yellowstone.
Thank you Debbie.
Wow……breathtaking!! What else can one say!!
I have to agree with all of Roni’s comments!
Since I started going on your workshops and tours, I have become very aware of being in the moment, enjoying the beauty and peace of a special place, experience or moment.
We are so blessed to enjoy God’s creation
with all our senses and our cameras!
Thank YOU John!
I agree! One of the great benefits of photography is that it helps open one’s eyes. And justifies the motivation for more travel!
Throw in the part about meeting and working with other photographers….
Sounds like a great recipe.
Great scene, John!!
A truly incredible scene, John, and quite beautifully captured. Comp, colors, light, textures, contrast all in perfect synch ! BZ ! I hope I’m not overreacting to your comments on this image, but I couldn’t help but hear something like a swan song in your writing. Please tell me I’m wrong on that ! While I normally prefer to be right, this time I’m really hoping for wrong. Slainte !
Just re-read what I wrote while VERY tired and I can see where you might infer the swan song… BUT, fear not, I am just getting started!!
Hey, John ! Am I glad to hear that , or what ! ? ! First time being wrong felt so good. Slainte !
After seeing your second posted image from Yellowstone I went to your tours, having decided that I must sign up. I found that I could not click on any of the tours for 2016. Are they not open for reservations now or perhaps they are filled?? Ugh. : (
Peggy, I’ve never had a link to click… sending an email is best. That said, because I’ve invited folks to let me know if they were interested in Yellowstone, we have 16 on a list for 14 spots. I’ll add you to the list should someone decide they don’t want to come. I’ve not posted it because I needed to scout and find a hotel etc… Will be officially posting in a month or so.
Beautiful! I agree about the blessing of going to beautiful places, and meeting fun folks along the way!
INCREDIBLE image John. The shadowed background and sulfur smoke almost look like blue sky and clouds. The color palette is so pleasing. The shape of the composition is just right. One of my favorites for sure!
Thank you Brian.
I’ve seen many images of this scene and tried myself, but your capture is sublime!
Thank you Felice. It was mesmerizing.
Very eye catching shot – nice tribute also!
Thank you Jeanne.
A home run!
Thanks Jim. Fortunate to be there at the right time.