I was challenged to post a wave in B&W. An easy challenge as I had already made a conversion and loved it. Here ya go!
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Small wonder that you “loved it,” John. It’s spectacular ! The composition is spot on as was your focus, but what really set me back on my heels is the delicious range of tones you managed to extract. Just beautiful ! Almost film like. DId you employ some magic in your post processing ? Please share if you did. Slainte !
I used the B&W tool in Lightroom for this one. That was it! I think the key was to do the color work ahead of time making it good and contrasty and colorful. This then allowed me to pull out the tones. Thanks Bruce.
Thanks ever so much for that good advice, John ! I truly appreciate your taking the time to satisfy my curiosity. Have a great day, great light, great subjects !
Wow John! I think this is a signature work. I live close to the ocean, of course, on the east coast and have never seen such a lovely and powerful wave. Did you stand way down on the beach using a long lens to get this good angle shot of the wave, and not risk being overtaken by the waves!?
Good question Peggy. Yes, I was using a long lens but not too long… 200-300mm. The key is this particular beach allows you to be in a position to shoot into the side of the waves… I did get wet from a rogue wave so there was that! Almost ruined a camera…. got very lucky but man was it worth it!
Such a killer shot and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE (did I say love?) it in BW.
Thank you Betty. Seems like waves should be color but somehow this works too!
WOW! As like the wave, your image and post-work are POWERFUL! From darkroom experience, I agree with the working the file in color and then change to b&w… Working the file as a b&w and using color correction can yield b&w darkroom filtration as well… All in all, you achieved a masterpiece of an image and post-work is SPOT ON INSANE!!! WOWonderful JB!
Thanks Stephan.
Good Evening, John !
I just wanted to take a second to wish you and yours a very, very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year replete with all sorts of exciting photo opportunities. And many sincere thanks for your great guidance from which we’ve all benefited so much throughout 2015. Not only have your thoughts been of the “take it to the bank” quality, but they are also always offered in such a kind and gentle fashion…the mark of a true “Gentleman.” To put it another way….you ain’t no Donald Trump : )) And for that we are very grateful !
Slainte !
Bruce, You are very kind. Glad you find value in something I share. Merry Christmas to you and yours and a very Happy New Year!