
The Smoky Mountain trip with my co-leader Rad Drew was a big success.  Here are the participant images.

Ann L. –

A hardy band of artists, digital cameras in hand

Caravan toward photo ops in Smoky Mountain land

Alert and watching carefully, high hopes for beauty soon

As the light comes and goes, hearts begin to swoon

Out of the cars the quest begins, right after checking gear

To bring to life the moments, the feelings they hold dear

Home to process what they’ve seen, holding on to magic sights

Color and light of autumnal glow, brings to them many delights

This is one of my delights! Ann

Janice H. –  This is one of my favorites because it called to me as I was walking down a path near one of the Visitors Center.  Taken with my IPhone.

Carol F.  –

sunshine, fall colors
reflected in moving waters…
makes my heart sing!
There were many special moments during the week, but the best for me were the water reflections.  There is something healing about water, whether it is the sound or the movement or the colorful reflections.  It brings me to the present moment, makes me smile.  Happy Dance time!

Mary B. – This was my favorite of all the  many multiple exposure images I took in the Smokies because of its texture, softness and abstract quality.

Terry S. – “Though I got some pretty spectacular foliage shots, this is the image that sings for me.  Serendipity, carpe diem, what the universe produced on an unplanned stop.  Thanks you for NOT sticking to the agenda.”

Joe B. –  As you may recall, Dan, Frank and I located/discovered these flowing water ripples just adjacent to the Little River Road when we were returning to Townsend. We were fortunate to catch the light ideal/optimum for the desired blue reflections from the ‘blue-bird’ sky and the golden/orange reflections from the opposite bank fall tree foliage. I was pleased with the ‘cotton-candy’ effect of the flowing water displaying the complimentary/contrasting colors of orange and blue. The shutter speed of 1/20 second at f/8 aperture yielded the pleasing result that I was attempting to capture and subsequently share.

Gretchen –  This image kept drawing me in.  I tried to find different favorite photos however this sunset with the rays, silhouetted tree, plus the Blue Ridges seemed to have it all.

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