Yet another group of “Through Their Eyes” images from the participants of our recent Death Valley workshop back in January! I think you’ll agree, incredible!
Dorothy Bengston – One of my favorites from our first ‘adventure’ with Cole in the lead. Zabriskie Point
Linda Harding – I’m not sure what draws me to the desert. I have a love hate relationship with the desert. It scares me, but invigorate me. I think the desert and the Dunes draw me in for its remoteness, the Dunes ever changing moods, beauty and charm. But, I do believe it is the intimacy they evoke that keeps me coming back. I decided to paint them up to show the Dunes ever changing beauty.
Janet Casey – When I drove almost three hours from the Las Vegas airport to Stove Pipe Wells, after a 5-hour flight from Massachusetts, I felt like I was on a pilgrimage. The landscape was starkly beautiful with desert and mountains and very few cars on the road. I felt awe at the big skies and wide open spaces. We are so fortunate to have this amazing land, with all of its variety of dunes and rock formations, preserved as a national park for us to explore. THANK YOUUUUU, John and Cole!!
Roger Raepple – Though not necessarily my favorite image from the workshop it did require the greatest amount of patience and planning. I noticed the interesting cloud formations, seemingly the rays emanating directly from the sun. I loved the contrast of the soft clouds with the harsh foreground formations. I looked for a foreground formation that might come close to reflecting the pattern of the clouds, set up my tripod, took one image with the sun casting shadows in the foreground and exposed for the foreground, waited about 30 minutes for the sun to go down behind the mountains hoping it would illuminate the clouds with color and then took a second image exposed for the sky and merged them in Photoshop.
Bill Motley – I’m trying to “see” scenes differently and present a unique and sometimes abstract perspective. These is my photo titled “Three Dunes” which presents what I feel in a very different image of sand dunes.
Jamie Conway – I had very low expectations for Death Valley. I’m not really a desert person. But John had always gushed about it so I thought I’d give it a shot. I’m so glad I did! Shooting the Dunes was one of the most exciting times I’ve had with a camera. Armed with Cole and John’s black and white tips, my new 100-400 lens and John’s advise to look for patterns I had a blast!
Megg McNamee – This is from the base of Zabriskie Point. I love the liquidity of the past.
Cam Miller – “Sensual Sands VIII” — While walking through the sand dunes, my eyes scanned the shadows and textures of the wind-scultped beauty surrounding me. This particular image reminded me of waves on a beach, just before the foamy fingers of the surf touch the shoreline. The use of black and white emphasizes the tones and textures and play of light so beautifully.
Jan Herrick – This image from Alabama Hills, which I’m calling “Red Jacket,” spoke to me because of everything it includes. It is like life as it leads me down the path, starting with hard rocks, desert landscape and prickly plants, and leads me further down the path to someone in a red jacket. For me the red jacket represents all the wonderful people on this workshop and others I’ve meet along my journey. As the image continues further, it crosses the plains and leads me into the mountains which have a moody sky above them. This image reminds me to continue my journey and enjoy each and every day.
Norma Levett – I loved the anticipation of waiting for the sunrise and then seeing it light up the rocks and mountains. It was like Mother Nature smiled on us all!
Megg McNamee – (I had to include another from Megg!). I felt honored to catch this moment in time in a constantly changing landscape. The scene gave me goose bumps and made me smile from ear to ear.
Micheal Mueller –
I made the trip to Death Valley with John Barclay and Cole Thompson to see and photograph the remarkable sand dunes there.
In person they do not disappoint and become more amazing as the sun changes the images as it peers above the surrounding mountains. This image is particularly interesting to me with all of the convolutions and detail in one place
Hi everyone! I just now found out about this page and was blown away by your images! Everyone did such a delightful job, and I appreciate being included in Dorothy‘s shot (without any of the embarrassing details).
Nice job everyone!
Thanks for co-leading a great group Cole!
Amazing photos!!!!
Thanks for taking time to post Kitten! 🙂
I think we submitted a nice variety of images. I have been thinking…anyone up for a reunion of the Zabriskie Point hike next year? I am still amazed how well we all did. Great group!!!
Janet, you go girl – tell me about it after the fact!