S’ Wonderful

S’ Wonderful

“S’Wonderful, S’Marveloous, you should care for me” This is the first line from the song entitled S’Wonderful.  I love Diana Krall’s version and am listening to it as I compose this post.  I have no idea why this song popped into my...
Drawn to You

Drawn to You

I am drawn to the dunes. I love being out there, especially in the morning. I walk about a mile to a spot that I hope will be great for first light and wait. Then the sun crests the horizon and the show begins.  And I can’t help but gasp with amazement each and...
Mesquite Dunes #2

Mesquite Dunes #2

We are wrapping up another great tour with a tremendous group.  Here is another B&W image from the dunes.  I could shoot the dunes for a week straight, I’m addicted.
Panamint Dunes

Panamint Dunes

During our scouting time, we decided to see how close we could get to the Panamint Dunes. Unfortunately, not very close. It appears to be about a 2 mile walk after a rough 6 mile drive. We did not make the walk this time, but did get out a long lens to capture just a...

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