I was drawn to this scene each day at gardens. Only one problem, the sky behind the tree was always white due to the bright overcast skies. Don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled with the bright overcast for most every other image I made there. Great light for the subject matter, but for this scene a bit of blue sky would have been nice. Then I realized, I could use two of my favorite products, Totally Rad – Dirty Pictures and FlyPaper Textures to fix the problem. If you are interested in how Dirty Pictures and FlyPaper textures work, head to my FREE videos on the TUTORIALS page.
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It really works, John. It looks like a beautfiul painting. The compisition is perfect. Very nice seperation of he bushes.
Thanks Stan!
Okay. Beautiful. Now I’m heading that way in a day or so. Thankful it’s only 60 miles.
Anne, that would be a GOOD idea if you live that close!! Enjoy.
John, This image has a completely different feeling than the previous ones. For me, the sharpness takes a little away from the mystical tone of Magnolia Gardens.
Thanks Karl, I guess I need to soften the next post up a bit. 🙂
Hey, John!
As to that bright sky problem, couldn’t you have just exposed the image at N-1 and then developed it in an HC-110 water bath ? 🙂
Seriously, a beautiful shot with that old split rail fence underscoring the “old timey” feel imparted by the magnificent tree.
Why yes I could Bruce! 🙂