Thoughts on Discovery

Thoughts on Discovery

  I have a new presentation called Discovery & The Creative Choice.  As is typical with a new program, I find I am continually making changes. I am constantly thinking about the concepts I want to present, reading what others have to say, studying,...
Ravenel Bridge and Healing Images

Ravenel Bridge and Healing Images

Previously, I showed a few abstract images taken of the bridge while on it.  These images are from a parking lot  at sunset.  The blue (below) is from the twilight hour and the other much later. Yesterday, I forgot to share one other piece of news.  Some of you may...
How many do you take?

How many do you take?

Last week, I had a question from a blog reader asking how many images I take from one spot while not moving my tripod.  A good question!  I will start with today’s main blog image as an example.  When I saw this scene, I looked around without a camera for what I...
Making Lemonade

Making Lemonade

I was drawn to this scene each day at gardens.  Only one problem, the sky behind the tree was always white due to the bright overcast skies.  Don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled with the bright overcast for most every other image I made there.  Great light for...

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