Tuscany Through Their Eyes

Tuscany Through Their Eyes

In May, Rad Drew, my wife and I brought a group to Tuscany.  Below is a set of images from them.  What a great trip this was!  Great food, great opportunities to make images and great people to spend time with.  Enjoy this version of “Through Their Eyes”....
New Zealand -Through Their Eyes

New Zealand -Through Their Eyes

New Zealand Through Their Eyes – Another installment in my ongoing series where I feature participants on my workshops/tours. Elaine R. – The image of Stirling Falls is a favorite of mine because I love  the smaller detail of the texture and movement and...
Seeing Inside

Seeing Inside

I am just back from Co-Leading a Contemplative Photography Retreat on the Hawaiian Island of Molokai.  My Co-Leader is the wonderful Flint Sparks. The writing below by Zen Teacher Joan Halifax, was sent to our group by Flint.   I liked it so much, I wanted to share it...
The Hideout Dude Ranch

The Hideout Dude Ranch

Just back from a personal favorite tour to lead, The Hideout Dude Ranch in Wyoming.  The lead image was made during our silhouette/sunset opportunity.  Always a favorite and this one did not disappoint!  I normally do this workshop every two years, however, I  have...

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