by JB | Dec 27, 2013 | Cape Cod, Charleston, Color, Cuba, Death Valley, Fuji, Fuji X-E1, Fuji X-Pro1, Gehry Building, Iceland, Palouse
Each year as I look back through my images, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the people I was able to share my passion with. To all who came on a workshop, a tour or attended a lecture, thank you! You have enriched my life. I am also reminded of the amazing...
by JB | Dec 20, 2013 | Cape Cod, Color, Fuji X-E1, Inspiration
Be the light. No really, be the light. Oft times we hear the masses exclaim, “its all about the light”, and they would be partly right. The quality of light is something we need to be keenly aware of. However, the light I’m speaking of is your...
by JB | Nov 12, 2013 | Cape Cod, Fuji, Fuji X-E1
Last week was a very good week. On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to speak to a very receptive group at a well organized meet-up in Plymouth MA. Thank you Amy Davies and Betty Wiley for organized this and doing a great job. Next, I went to Cape Cod to meet with Jeff...
by JB | Nov 4, 2013 | Fonthill, Fuji, Fuji X-E1
The last two Sundays I was leading groups at Fonthill. As these were not my workshops, I had a chance to snap a few images with my Fuji X-E1. All images shot with the Fuji 14mm 2.8 prime lens. The last image is a 5 shot HDR capture processed with Nik HDR Efex Pro 2....
by JB | Oct 15, 2013 | Fall Color, Fuji, Fuji X-E1, Landscape, New Hampshire
Fuji X-E1 – 55-200mm In my last post I said, “at first blush there seemed to be just one composition, just one shot, the wall of color, however, that is almost never true.” The lead image in today’s post came after being mesmerized by the...
by JB | Oct 13, 2013 | Fall Color, Fuji, Fuji X-E1, New Hampshire, Tour, Uncategorized, Workshop
Not far from our hotel along the Androscoggin River is a magnificent wall of color. At first blush there seemed to be just one composition, just one shot, the wall of color, however, that is almost never true. So again, like the last post, I submit what were for me,...